Saturday, January 24, 2009

Big Week

This has been a big week for our family. We have a new member of our household. Our friend Melisa May has made the big move all the way from the Lone Star State and is now living with us. She is already a huge blessing to us. My kitchen has never been so clean for this many consecutive days!:) One morning Jadon said "where is the lady at the top of the house?" Then he asked "what is the lady at the top of the house's name?" So now we affectionately call her "the lady at the top of the house.

Thaddaeus also had a monumental event this week. He ate his first solid food on Wednesday. He sat in the high chair which seems very BIG with his baby body often leaning to one side. I gave him mashed banana and he was smiling by the end of the first feeding.

1 comment:

  1. He is SO adorable! I hadn't seen a picture of him as a big baby boy :)

    I have been thinking about starting a blog too. Maybe I will!!! Very cool. The boys are too cute.

