Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dare not compare

I have not been writing here on a regular basis. I have a confession. I am addicted to viewing other moms' blogs. I would much rather be a voyeur and view other people's lives than write about my own. This is part laziness and part of it stems from wanting to be inspired by other people who are living their days at home with kids. The need to be inspired to do anything is a tendency of mine. That is why I read books on housekeeping and laundry etc... :) But, my latest thing is reading the words of other moms and looking at inspiring photos. I am learning that I am a visual person and I have to be inspired visually with beauty and this feeds my soul and spirit. There is nothing wrong with this habit in general. But, my problem is that I too often fall into the trap of comparing myself to these amazing and gifted women. I glean many good ideas but I also find myself longing for a life as beautiful as theirs. Then, I am failing to see the beauty of my own story. When we compare ourselves to others we always come up short. I can not pattern my life after these women. My personality and my gifts and talents are completely different and I must embrace myself as God created me. I feel like I am just coming into the authentic person I was created to be. I know myself and accept myself more than I ever have. I am thankful that I can learn from others and be inspired by the beauty of their stories but I must let it stop there. The story that God is writing in my life will be used by Him to show people His extravagent love and His amazing redeeming power. If I try to pattern my life after other people I will not be allowing the fullness of God to take root and grow to its fullest potential in my life. He created me for a special and unique purpose. I am so glad He has never given up on me!!! I am thankful for how he created me and how He is transforming me as I live closer to Him. My friend Melisa suggested a "Dare not Compare" campaign. I think I will begin a campaign with myself. Feel free to join me as we adventure to embrace the beauty of our own amazing stories.

I hope you enjoy the pictures that capture the beauty of spring around our house.